Where To Create Handmade Designer Rugs In The UK

Chic cafes, hotel lobbies and high-end fashion stores all take advantage of the statements they can make with rugs. It doesn’t matter whether they’re minimalist or traditional in design, rooms with rugs have never been unpopular. At Rug Artisan we’re ready to take on board your ideas and combine them with our experience in creating handmade designer rugs for living rooms, bedrooms and dining areas.

The process that our highly-trained experts go through at Rug Artisan will help to ensure that your bespoke rug has a sprinkling of personality and the dash of contemporary style your home craves. We’ve worked with homeowners at Rug Artisan who want to add a handmade designer rug to their child’s bedroom as well as those who want to have our designers create something unique.

Where does the handmade designer rug process begin?

It starts with your initial decisions: Where is the rug going to be, how much are you willing to spend, what style do you have in mind. This will culminate in a research and design process with our team using state-of-the-art computer software. After we’ve sent it to you, it’s just your approval and any changes you’d like to make between the start of the creation.

Transform a room in your home with one of our handmade designer rugs. To find out more, get in contact with our team at Rug Artisan.